The CHERI FAQ (2023) is a GitHub Page hosted by the CTSRD project, with contributions from SRI (Stanford Research Institute), the University of Cambridge, and Digital Catapult. New contributions are welcome. This repository uses its issue tracker to discuss future topics or missing entries.

An older CHERI FAQ (2019) is available via a static page hosted by the University of Cambridge’s Department of Computer Science and Technology. It introduces many of the architectural topics, but it only covers the CHERI ISA up to v7.0; v8.0 is current and v9.0 is under development.


The Morello FAQ (2020) was written by Ash Wilding for Arm’s community support forum. Its contents are locked, but new answers and questions can be introduced via new posts to the Morello forum itself.


A Sonata board is a secure, embedded micro-controller,  developed by LowRISC to implement CHERIoT-Ibex, which is itself based on Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions (CHERI).

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