Event type: In-person

DSbD Technology Access Programme Showcase

Join Digital Catapult and UKRI to discover how the Digital Security by Design (DSbD) programme is moving the UK towards a resilient cyber future.

Join Digital Catapult and UKRI to discover how the Digital Security by Design (DSbD) programme is moving the UK towards a resilient cyber future on Thursday 21 November at Digital Catapult’s HQ in London, Euston Road.

Through the DSbD Technology Access Programme, participants gain access to Arm’s Morello board, the CHERI stack, and technical support to trial the deep tech within their systems. By feeding these outcomes back to the developers of Morello and CHERI, the programme is helping refine the technologies and advance the UK towards a more resilient cyber future.

The event will showcase the latest technologies that are enabling a more secure digital computing infrastructure and allowing UK businesses to prevent around two thirds of security vulnerabilities. The showcase event will feature presentations and demonstrations from the innovators and solution providers at the bleeding edge of cyber technology.

Key stakeholders from across the UK’s cyber security landscape are invited to:

  • Learn how UK companies have benefited from the deployment of DSbD’s deep tech to secure their products, systems and applications.
  • Hear from industry experts on the opportunities of CHERI RISC-V and CHERIoT

Digital Catapult
101 Euston Road
London, NW1 2RA

  • Days 00
  • Hours 00
  • Mins 00
  • Secs 00

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UKRI DSbD Councils
Website delivered by Digital Catapult as part of the Technology Access Programme, funded by UKRI through the Digital Security by Design Programme